Le sac Iris : de l'idée à sa création

The Iris bag: from idea to creation

I saw the Iris bag from the start as a symbol of elegance. Le sac que l’on porte la tête haute, sans prise de tête. Celui qui apporte une touche chic à n’importe quelle de nos tenues. And why did you choose a satchel shape?

The Iris bag, I saw it from the beginning as a symbol of elegance. The bag that you wear with your head held high, without any headaches. The one that brings a chic touch to any of our outfits.

And why did I choose to wear it?

And why did you choose a satchel shape?

Iris von Roten was originally a lawyer and when I think of the legal profession, I immediately think of the satchel. Lawyers have to carry a lot of legal documents from their chambers to the courtroom to get to the bar, via the hall of fame.

The binder is therefore a very important part of the law.

So the satchel is, in my opinion, the ideal bag.

So yes, I'll grant you, my version is somewhat miniaturized. But at the end of the day, Iris won't really have had the opportunity to practice her craft, so I don't think she'd blame me.

The key words for Iris are elegance, refinement, confidence and competence.

The Iris bag is a timeless wardrobe staple. With it, there are no "fashion faux-pas."

Trust me, trying it on is adopting it.

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